Title: On-chip high-finesse buckled-dome microcavities

Speaker: Dr Mohammad H. Bitarafan, Ph.D.,Photonics and Plasmas, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Absract: ‘Buckled-dome’ Fabry-Perot microcavities are a novel class of optical resonators which have one deformable micro-mirror interacting with the light intensity inside the cavity, leading to optomechanical phenomena. In this talk, a brief review of the fabrication process, thermal tuning properties, bistability, and mechanical properties of the buckled micro-cavities will be presented. Owing to their monolithic and scalable fabrication, these cavities might be unique enablers for many applications such as cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED), cavity optomechanics, and optical sensing systems.

زمان برگزاري: چهارشنبه 13 ديماه 

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